Saturday, January 3, 2015

Galaxy Splash Abstract Painting - SOLD!!!

About a year ago, my wife and I wanted to work on a painting together for our home. We had done that twice before and we no longer had either of the paintings because they sold. In the past, my personal style was much more neutral in color palette, and my wife Cara loves bright bold color. As any husband knows, 'If Momma aint happy, aint nobody happy!'. So we started with a 36" x 36" gallery depth canvas and started throwing color down. We did actually work on the canvas while it was laying flat so that we truly could sling paint down and it would stay where it was thrown. I've learned a lot about painting from working for and with Donna Downey. Her use of color, painting with her hands, and strategically laying down warm and cool colors separately to maintain the integrity of the colors. We only tilted the canvas up in specific stages when we wanted drips and runs in the paint to occur. I couldn't resist adding in some gold leaf. It's my thing!

SOLD!!! - I am proud to say that this painting was purchased by Artist Junelle Jacobsen!!! I was extremely humbled, proud, honored, and excited when I found out that she loved my painting so much she purchased it. Thank you so much Junelle!

Detail shots are below. One technique I learned from my Major Professor Tom Stanley in Grad School is sgraffito sgraf·fi·to/zɡräˈfētō,skrä-/
  1. a form of decoration made by scratching through a surface to reveal a lower layer of a contrasting color, typically done in plaster or stucco on walls, or in slip on ceramics before firing.

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