Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Painting inspired by Jylian Gustlin

I have many artists who inspire me. I frequently surf the internet for paintings that give me a "Wow" moment. If you go to, then you would see numerous beautiful figurative paintings that have a focus on color, texture, and composition, rather than rendering features.
So after looking at a number of Jylian's paintings I decided to do a small exercise on my own. The painting below is mine. The addition of the book text gives some insight to scale. This painting is only 8"x10". I used acrylics, ink, and collaged book text. I tried to be as loose as possible, which gave way to some errors in anatomy, but even so I was too complicated in comparison to Jylian's work.  I am challenging myself to loosen up and refine my art to think and believe less is more.  I really just want to understand it.  I have always been confused by the statement less is more and favored More is More. That's part of my literal and excessive personality I guess. :)

Here is an example of Jylian's work:

After further review, Jylian paints passages, I don't know if the figure is really relevant to the passage or if an abstract painting is made and then the silhouette is brought to the canvas. The yellow on the thigh makes sense as a highlight, and the blue on both shins makes sense as shadows, but then other areas are perceivably arbitrary. The difficulty in figuring out how Jylian is painting these adds to the inspiration attained from them. Check out more paintings at


  1. Beautiful, I post it on my poetry, writing blog and mention you as the artist. In case you want me to take it away I will do so immediately!

    1. Thank you Bayla Moon! I truly appreciate your support. :)
